Oasis' PoetryPlace

Welcome to Oasis Ministries' sacred space for poetry sharing.
Launched in February 2010 to share favorite poetry and prayers around the themes of

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Holy in the Ordinary by Ann Weems

I rediscovered the following prayer by Ann Weems in her book Kneeling in Jerusalem. I have to admit that when I came to the part "spiritual contemplation is all right for those who have the time," I wanted to invite Weems to join Contemplative Living where we do discover that the holy IS in our everyday lives.

Nevertheless, the prayer is a good one for the beginning of Lent, and Weems' questions help us to ponder.

Blessed beginnings,



The Holy in the Ordinary by Ann Weems

Holy is the time and holy is this place
and there are holy things that must be said.

Let us say to one another what our souls whisper...
O Holy One, cast your tent among us;
come into our ordinary lives and bless the living!

Forty days stretch before us,
forty days of hungering after faithfulness,
forty days of trying to understand the story,
and then, Holy Week...
O God, if every week were holy...

These forty days stretch before us,
and those of us who believe
yearn to feel Your presence,
yearn to be Your people;
and yet, the days fill with ordinary things
with no time left
for seeking the holy.

Spiritual contemplation is all right
for those who have the time,
but most of us have to make a living.

Most of us have to live in the real world
where profanity splashes and blots out
anything holy.

Where, O Holy One, can we find You in this unholy mess?

How, O God, can we find the holy in the ordinary?



Rev. Cindy Garis

Executive Director

Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

419 Deerfield Road

Camp Hill, PA  17011




Explore www.oasismin.org


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