Oasis' PoetryPlace

Welcome to Oasis Ministries' sacred space for poetry sharing.
Launched in February 2010 to share favorite poetry and prayers around the themes of

You are welcome to share your own favorite poetry and prayers --
freely by using "comments" or by sending an email to cindygaris@oasismin.org so you can be made an 'author' for this blog.

Sorry we have not found an easier way to allow you to share your insights. If you have other suggestions, please email cindygaris@oasismin.org.

If you make a post, we encourage you to add labels so that others are able to find various resources. Labels may include theme of poem, name of poet, title of poem, etc.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Prayer for Clearing Up the Past by Marianne Williamson

Dear God,
Please take my past and take my future,
Transform them both through the miracle of Your power into energies of love and love only.
May I know the present as You would have me see it.
May I see only You in everyone and everything that I might be dazzled by the light, lifted up by the light, given joy by the light, and made new by the light.
Release me from my past and deliver me to my future.
In You I trust; nothing else is real.
In You I have faith; nothing else has power.
And so it is that I am where I belong, and I shall strive for nothing.
I am at home; may I feel this and be at peace.
For I would rob myself no longer through my vain imaginings and tormented thoughts.
You are my life.
You are here and now.

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